May 28, 2019

May 28, 2019

Present: Mayor Pulver, Trustee Horning, Trustee Bough Martin, Trustee Kopp, Trustee

Baldwin, Counsel Bell, Mr. Gregory, Mrs. Kendall, Mr. Gloska, Chief Corey, Mrs. Doss

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Board members reviewed the minutes of May 15, 2019. As an update to the minutes, Ted

Neveldine did not accept the offer for employment. No new position will be created at this time

for the DPW.

Under the discussion of sewer adjustment criteria, all requests will be evaluated on a case by

case basis, based on the information that is provided. In the last sentence of the resolution,

the words “if applicable” to be added to the resolution. Upon the motion made by Trustee

Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the above resolution amended to reflect that this will

go into effect from this point forward, that each request will be reviewed on a case by case

basis, the consideration will be for up to nine (9) months from date of billing and that there

should be information proving whether the excess water went through the sewer system, if

applicable. All members present voting in favor.

The Board spoke about the Court security discussion. With the added language to the sewer

adjustment discussion of “if applicable”. Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded

by Trustee Horning, with the amendment noted above minutes of May 15, 2019 approved. All

members present voting in favor.


Codes - The Board reviewed the Code report

Administrator – Mr. Gregory reported that the street sweeper is repaired and is now completing

the second run through the Village. The crew is busy prepping for Oz. They are also working

on pricing out a couple of pickup trucks for purchase in the new year. The hanging plants and

street planters are out. The migration of the G-suite program is complete. The group spoke of

the Trustee email addresses; discussing the necessity of having Village email addresses. Paul

Tomaszewski is putting together a list of information regarding the email and other IT issues

for the Board to review; he is also continuing to work on some of the email issues from the


Sewer Adjustment

Information has been received from Higgins residence at 634 Lakeport Road requesting a

sewer reduction due to a swimming pool fill in 2018. They are requesting a reduction of

14,000 gallons. There is documentation from the pool company and there is higher water

usage reported in the OCWA and Village sewer billing records. Upon the motion made by

Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, the Board approves a reduction of

14,000 for the Higgins property 634 Lakeport Road due to a swimming pool fill. The reduction

will be done in the quarterly July 2019 sewer bill. All members present voting in favor.

SPO Agreement

The Mayor advised that they continue to work on the agreement language with the School;

specifically, the costs.

Hiring a Deputy Clerk

The Board briefly discussed putting together a notice for hiring a Deputy Clerk-Treasurer for

the Village Office in order to advertise for the position.

Travel Policy

The draft travel policy will be circulated to the Board and reviewed at the June 12 meeting.

Credit Card Policy

The draft credit card policy will be circulated to the Board for comment and review and

discussed at the June 12 meeting.

Expenditure Policy

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Mr. Gregory reviewed the draft expenditure policy. He emphasized that training is key and

critical to the process working. He outlined who is responsible for the various budget lines and

how it will best be implemented. He said he’d like to start with using the DPW for a trial period

with the process to see what does and doesn’t work. Training, will be arranged to insure

everyone understands how the process is intended to work. The group discussed signing of

prepays, the abstract of unaudited and audited vouchers (referred to in the policy as warrant).

The State’s language was used as a basis for the policy. The group also spoke about closing

the books in June to have a clarity of the balances, having monthly financial reports,

requisitions, requisitioner, encumbrances. Mr. Gregory would like to use the DPW for a trial

period of two-months, beginning with June 1. The Board discussed, at length various aspects

of the proposed policy. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, the Board adopts

conditionally subject to a two-month trial period with the DPW to see what does and does not

work or make sense. Effective August 1, 2019, the full policy will be in place subject to any

language amendments (that might be made during two-month trial period). The DPW will be

the only Department using the Policy for the months of June and July 2019; such trial period

will expire at the end of these two-months and the Village Board will review at that point in time

to determine how to move forward. Motion seconded by Trustee Baldwin. All members

present voting in favor.

Bank Reconciliation and Payroll Procedure

The document will be circulated to the Board for their review and comment and discussed at

the June 12 meeting.

Fund Balance Policy

This policy will be reviewed at the June 12 meeting.

Enabling Resolutions

(1) Creation of Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve Fund

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Kopp, who moved its adoption,

seconded by Trustee Baldwin, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees desires to create a

Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve Fund pursuant to § 6-F of the General

Municipal Law; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve Fund

is to pay for the cost of removal of snow and ice from public thoroughfares and public places

and the cost of repairing and maintaining roadways to the extent such damage was caused by

the removal of snow and ice; and

WHEREAS, the creation of the Snow and Ice Removal and Road Repair Reserve Fund

is in the best interest of the Village, its residents, and taxpayers; and


BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to General Municipal Law § 6-F as amended, the

Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees does hereby establish a Snow and Ice

Removal and Road Repair Reserve Fund (the “Reserve Fund”); and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Village Treasurer is authorized to invest the monies of the

Reserve Fund in the manner provided by § 11 of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that any interest earned, or capital gains realized, on the moneys so

deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Village Treasurer shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner

which maintains the separate identity of the Reserve Fund and shows the date and amount of

each sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from

the sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and

the total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and schedule of investments, and shall, at

the end of each fiscal year, render to the Village Board a detailed report of the operation and

condition of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve

Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established; and it is


RESOLVED, that, except in the case of emergencies, no expenditures from the

Reserve Fund shall be made until a public hearing has been held upon at least five (5) days’

notice and such additional actions or proceedings as may be required by § 6-F of the General

Municipal Law; and it is further

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RESOLVED, the initial funding of the Reserve Fund is to be established by way of:

General Fund Account A234 $10,000.00

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and

upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Wayne Horning Trustee Voted YES

Elizabeth Bough-Martin Trustee Voted YES

Melinda Kopp Trustee Voted YES

Colleen Baldwin Trustee Voted YES

Mark Pulver Mayor Voted YES

The foregoing resolution was thereupon duly adopted.


The following resolution was offered by Trustee Baldwin, who moved its adoption, seconded

by Trustee Bough Martin, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees recognizes its

obligation and the importance of maintaining facilities for Village operations in a safe and

efficient manner, which may require significant facility improvements and repair, and desires to

establish a fund to pay for all or part of the cost of such improvement and repair; and


RESOLVED, that pursuant to General Municipal Law §6-d, the Village of Chittenango

Village Board of Trustees does hereby establish a capital reserve fund to be known as the

“Village of Chittenango Facility Repair Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve Fund”) to pay for the costs

to improve and repair facilities owned by the Village of Chittenango, on behalf of the Village

and its residents; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Village of Chittenango Mayor is hereby directed to deposit and

secure moneys of the Reserve Fund in the manner provided by §10 of the General Municipal

Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to invest the monies of the Reserve Fund in

the manner provided by §11 of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that any interest earned, or capital gains realized, on the moneys so

deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner which

maintains the separate identity of the Reserve Fund and shows the date and amount of each

sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from the

sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and the

total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and schedule of investments, and shall, at the

end of each fiscal year, render to the Village Board a detailed report of the operation and

condition of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve

Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established; and it is


RESOLVED, that no expenditures shall be made from this Reserve Fund until a public

hearing has been held upon at least five (5) days’ notice and such additional actions or

proceedings as may be required by §6-D of the General Municipal Law and approval by the

Village Board; and it is further

RESOLVED, the initial funding of the Reserve Fund is to be established by way of:

General Fund account A213 $75,000 Capital Reserve- Building Improvements

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and

upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Wayne Horning Trustee Voted YES

Elizabeth Bough-Martin Trustee Voted YES

Melinda Kopp Trustee Voted YES

Colleen Baldwin Trustee Voted YES

Mark Pulver Mayor Voted YES

The foregoing Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


(Creation of Capital Reserve Fund for Heavy Highway Equipment)

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The following resolution was offered by Trustee Horning, who moved its adoption,

seconded by Trustee Kopp, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees and its Department of

Public Works has recognized the need for the acquisition of a heavy highway equipment and

desires to establish a fund to acquire heavy highway equipment for municipal purposes; and


RESOLVED, that pursuant to General Municipal Law § 6-C, as amended, the Village of

Chittenango Village Board of Trustees does hereby establish a capital reserve fund to be

known as the “Village of Chittenango Heavy Highway Equipment Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve

Fund”) to finance the cost of the acquisition of heavy highway equipment for the Village of

Chittenango and its residents; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Village of Chittenango Mayor is hereby directed to deposit and

secure moneys of the Reserve Fund in the manner provided by § 10 of the General Municipal

Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to invest the monies of the Reserve Fund in

the manner provided by § 11 of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that any interest earned, or capital gains realized, on the moneys so

deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner which

maintains the separate identity of the Reserve Fund and shows the date and amount of each

sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from the

sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and the

total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and schedule of investments, and shall, at the

end of each fiscal year, render to the Village Board a detailed report of the operation and

condition of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve

Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established; and it is


RESOLVED, that no expenditures shall be made from this Reserve Fund without the

approval of the Village Board and such additional actions or proceedings as may be required

by § 6-C of the General Municipal Law or other applicable law, including a permissive

referendum if required by subdivision 4 of § 6-C of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, the initial funding of the Reserve Fund is to be established by way of:

General Fund Account A233 Capital Reserve – Equipment $75,000.00

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and

upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Wayne Horning Trustee Voted YES

Elizabeth Bough-Martin Trustee Voted YES

Melinda Kopp Trustee Voted YES

Colleen Baldwin Trustee Voted YES

Mark Pulver Mayor Voted YES

The foregoing resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

(4) Creation of Capital Reserve Fund for Solid Waste Management Facility

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Baldwin, who moved its adoption, seconded

by Trustee Horning, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees recognizes the

obligation of and importance to the Village to provide for the continued maintenance and

operation of its solid waste management facility, which may require additional design and

construction for purposes of improvement and efficiency, and desires to establish a fund to pay

for all or part of the cost of such continued maintenance, operation and improvement; and


RESOLVED, that pursuant to General Municipal Law § 6-o, the Village of Chittenango

Village Board of Trustees does hereby establish a capital reserve fund to be known as the

“Village of Chittenango Solid Waste Management Facility Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve Fund”)

to pay for the design, construction, maintenance and operation of the solid waste management

facility owned by the Village of Chittenango, on behalf of the Village and its residents; and it is


RESOLVED, that the Village of Chittenango Mayor is hereby directed to deposit and

secure moneys of the Reserve Fund in the manner provided by § 10 of the General Municipal

Law; and it is further

2 VB052819

RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to invest the monies of the Reserve Fund in

the manner provided by § 11 of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that any interest earned, or capital gains realized, on the moneys so

deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner which

maintains the separate identity of the Reserve Fund and shows the date and amount of each

sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from the

sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and the

total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and schedule of investments, and shall, at the

end of each fiscal year, render to the Village Board a detailed report of the operation and

condition of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve

Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established; and it is


RESOLVED, that no expenditures shall be made from this Reserve Fund without the

approval of the Village Board and such additional actions or proceedings as may be required

by § 6-o of the General Municipal Law or other applicable law; and it is further

RESOLVED, the initial funding of the Reserve Fund is to be established by way of:

Sewer Fund Account G233 $189,871.75 Capital Reserve – Capital Improvement

Sewer Fund Account G234 $63,460.81 Capital Reserve -Cap Improvement Sewer


RESOLVED, that future funding of the Reserve Fund is to be by way of funds

appropriated by the Village Board from the fees received by the Village from the

operation of the solid waste management facility.

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and

upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Wayne Horning Trustee Voted YES

Elizabeth Bough-Martin Trustee Voted YES

Melinda Kopp Trustee Voted YES

Colleen Baldwin Trustee Voted YES

Mark Pulver Mayor Voted YES

The foregoing resolution was thereupon duly adopted.


Creation of Capital Reserve Fund for Accrued Employee Benefits

The following resolution was offered by Trustee Baldwin, who moved its adoption,

seconded by Trustee Kopp, to wit:

WHEREAS, the Village of Chittenango Village Board of Trustees recognizes the

obligation of the Village to reimburse employees for accrued unpaid sick leave upon

termination of the employee’s service and desires to establish a fund to pay for all or part of

the cost of such accrued employee benefit; and


RESOLVED, that pursuant to General Municipal Law § 6-p, as amended, the Village of

Chittenango Village Board of Trustees does hereby establish a capital reserve fund to be

known as the “Village of Chittenango Accrued Employee Benefit Reserve Fund” (the “Reserve

Fund”) to finance the cost of the accrued employee benefits, more specifically, the accrual of

employee unpaid sick time, for the Village and its residents; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Village of Chittenango Mayor is hereby directed to deposit and

secure moneys of the Reserve Fund in the manner provided by § 10 of the General Municipal

Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor is authorized to invest the monies of the Reserve Fund in

the manner provided by § 11 of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, that any interest earned, or capital gains realized, on the moneys so

deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

RESOLVED, that the Mayor shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner which

maintains the separate identity of the Reserve Fund and shows the date and amount of each

sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from the

sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and the

total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and schedule of investments, and shall, at the

end of each fiscal year, render to the Village Board a detailed report of the operation and

condition of the Reserve Fund; and it is further

2 VB052819

RESOLVED, that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve

Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established; and it is


RESOLVED, that no expenditures shall be made from this Reserve Fund without the

approval of the Village Board and such additional actions or proceedings as may be required

by § 6-p of the General Municipal Law or other applicable law, including a permissive

referendum if required by subdivision 3 of § 6-p of the General Municipal Law; and it is further

RESOLVED, the initial funding of the Reserve Fund is to be established by way of:

General Fund Account A231 $143,611, Reserve for Employee Benefits & Acc Liability

Sewer Fund Account G231 $40,000 Special Reserve Savings

The question of the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and

upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Wayne Horning Trustee Voted YES

Elizabeth Bough-Martin Trustee Voted YES

Melinda Kopp Trustee Voted YES

Colleen Baldwin Trustee Voted YES

Mark Pulver Mayor Voted YES

The foregoing resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Fence – Kirschenheiter

Mr. Gregory advised that the DPW had checked on the complaint about the tree on the Miller’s

fence adjacent to Kirschenheiter Park. The tree is not on the fence and is not damaging the

fence in any way. The porta potty will be removed from the Park tomorrow due to a neighbor’s

repeated concern about the porta potty. The Village will review the area to see where the unit

could be relocated to in the Park to alleviate the concerns of the neighbors. Options will be

looked at and a recommendation will be discussed at the June 12 meeting.

Route 5 and Tuscarora Road discussion

The Mayor advised that there is a meeting scheduled for May 30 at 1:30 p.m. at the High

School with SMTC, the State DOT, the School and Village officials to discuss the recent

determination by the State for a School Zone on Route 5 by the High School. The group also

spoke about the discussions and review related to Tuscarora Road. Brad Newman from the

County has commented that the visibility is fine on Tuscarora Roard in the two locations for


Chittenango Dollar General

Trustee Bough Martin reported that Chittenango DG, LLC did accept the offer for property on

Tuscarora Road for the trail connection with some caveats. The Board discussed the

acceptance of the $35,000 purchase offer. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin,

seconded by Trustee Kopp, the Board authorizes the Mayor to sign the purchase offer for

$35,000 pending the approval of the couple of caveats by Chittenango DG, LLC. All members

present voting in favor.


The Board discussed the abstracts and that some of the vouchers did not have all the

necessary purchase paperwork included with them. The Board agreed that three checks

should be processed but held until the necessary paperwork was provided.

Sewer Abstract

Sewer Abstract # 14 $46,700.68 vouchers 172-184 Upon the motion made by Trustee

Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Kopp, Sewer Abstract #14 approved for payment as presented.

All members present voting in favor.

General Fund Abstract

General Abstract #14 $167,338.37 vouchers 717-784 Upon the motion made by Trustee

Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Horning, General Abstract #14 approved for payment with

voucher #’s 756, 758 and 763 held until appropriate paperwork is provided. All members

present voting in favor.

Furniture in Police Department

The Police Chief has requested that the used office furniture in the Police Department be

declared surplus and they be allowed to transfer the office furniture to the Chittenango Fire

Department for $1.00. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee

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Baldwin, the Board declares the used office furniture in the Police Department as surplus and

authorizes the transfer of this surplus equipment to the Chittenango Fire Department for a cost

of $1.00. All members present voting in favor.

Budget Modifications

A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance increase $2,400

A1990.4 Contingent Account decrease $2,400

A3120.11 Personal Serv. OT increase $6,600

A3120.1 Personal Serv decrease $6,600

A3120.45 Main Agree/Contract increase $1,300

A3120.47 Fuel decrease $1,300

Upon the motion made by Trustee Kopp, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, budget modifications

as outlined above approved. All members present voting in favor.

Executive Session

Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the Board

went into Executive Session to discuss personnel police issues, with possible action taking

place at the conclusion of the discussion. All members present voting in favor.

Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Horning, Executive Session

concluded. No action took place.

With no further business, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill A. Doss

Village Clerk-Treasurer