August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018

Present: Mayor Pulver, Trustee Horning, Trustee Bough Martin, Trustee Kopp, Trustee Baldwin, Counsel Rich Andino, Mr. Kopp, Mr. Gregory, Mrs. Longnecker, Mrs. Kendall, Mr. Gloska, Mrs. Doss

Mayor Pulver called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The Board members reviewed the minutes of July 24, 2018. Under the section Madison Mile, the language to be changed to one sign location needing a post, as opposed to more than one location needing posts. The second addition was language stating that Mrs. Lynch accepted the task of being the liaison between the Village and Madison County Monday Mile project. With those corrections being noted and upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, minutes of July 24, 2018, as amended approved. All members present voting in favor.


Administrator – Mr. Gregory reported he had spoken with Alex Flora of Bailey Bridges in regard to the completion date of the fabrication of the pedestrian bridge. They are estimating mid to late October to complete. The shipping timetable of the structure is unknown at present. The DPW is working on the sidewalk on Race Street, they are looking to complete by the end of the week and restoration of the lawns within the next couple of weeks. At the Dyke Road Lions Botanical Park work is being done in the Creek to protect the board walk area with a reinforced root ball system/cross vein installation which will help the fish habitat and focus the water flow to the middle of creek. Work is being done by NY Fish and Wildlife and Madison County Soil and Water Conservation. The repairs and work that has been done is great. The board walk is totally walkable. Trout Unlimited is also assisting with work in the Creek. The Walnut Grove cemetery has a large tombstone near the hill that appears to be unstable and could topple. Mr. Gregory stated he has contacted a monument company in regard to suggestions/options for stabilizing this monument. Mayor Pulver commented that he has called Walker Tree about what could be done to maintain the Walnut Grove area, which is quite overgrown. Mr. Gregory continued his report by advising that he has started a Village of Chittenango Facebook page to get information out to the public about Village projects and upcoming events, etc. in the community. He stated that it appears to be helpful to those who have visited the site by providing them information that they were not aware of. The Board commented that the site is nicely done. Trustee Baldwin commented that a link to the Village’s website should be done. She will help Mr. Gregory with establishing that link. Mr. Gregory advised that the trees on the Gill Street cul-de-sac that are dead will be replaced in the spring. The company that provided the existing trees has been contacted and they will replace the trees and the Village and the company will split the shipping costs for the replacement trees. Mr. Gregory advised that there have been issues with some of the Village emails due to a cap that is on each email account of 1000 mb. He is looking into some options; of going to Google business which has unlimited caps, but is more expensive. He is looking into other options to address this concern. Mr. Gregory advised that he has sent the billing information to the Town of Manlius for Megnin Farms. The amount he has calculated is $37,461 plus the $1 per thousand dollars of assessment. He advised that he, the Mayor and Clerk have been looking into upgrading the current copier in the office with one pass scanning/copying and color option. Quotes have been obtained from Canon Copier and Eastern Copy. Pricing with Eastern Copier has come in lower than Canon with a purchasing program they have available. The Board discussed the information. The plan is to purchase the copier; the funds would come from the Clerk’s equipment lines in General and Sewer and Central Office line for a total of $4200. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, the Board approves the purchase of a new Konica copier through Eastern Copy for $4200. The existing copier will be placed in Auctions Unlimited (Trustee Horning will contact Chief Corey about putting the copier on the Auction site). All members present voting in favor. Mr. Gregory continued that he has some information in regard to the cell tower behind the Village Hall that he would like to discuss in Executive Session. Mr. Gregory stated that the new car for the Codes Office has been delivered to the dealer; it will be ready for delivery to the Village next week. The Board discussed payment of the car in the amount of $16, 934.80. This will be discussed later in the meeting.

Naymik/Tuscarora intersection

Mr. Gregory advised that he had spoken with Brad Newman at the County about data for any crashes at this location and also received traffic speed/volume data from the Chief. The report of crashes only indicates one that was an actual motor vehicle accident in the last 5 years. The speed report indicates that the average speed of vehicles in this area of Tuscarora Road is 34 mph. Mr. Gregory reported that he did call the resident that had sent the letter expressing her concern and advised that her letter was being reviewed. Review continues.


The Board reviewed the Code report. It was noted that the house at 111 Richmond Circle that was destroyed by fire in the Spring has been demolished.

Court – Audits for June and July 2018 show Court records are in order.

Police – Trustee Horning reported that Chief had attended a Chief conference in July, will be attending training in October, the new police car is on order which will replace the 2012 currently in the fleet, and all officers have qualified with firearms.

Garden Club – 80th Anniversary

The Board discussed attendance at the 80th Anniversary Garden Club Dinner on September 15. The Board also discussed a recognition from the Village for the Garden Club’s 80th Anniversary. The group has gone above and beyond in their service of beautification for the Village. Many of the Board members are planning to attend the dinner. The Board discussed presenting an award at the dinner to recognize the 80 years of service to the community. Trustee Bough Martin stated she would work on language for a plaque to present at the event and also the Board discussed having a plaque made for hanging in the Village Hall. The Board discussed establishing a place at the Village Hall to recognize those groups or individuals who have contributed to the Village with a recognition plaque. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, an award plaque to be presented at September 15 dinner and also a plaque for the Village Hall. Trustee Bough Martin will come up with the language for both and the cost will be charged to the Mayor’s community events budget line. All members present voting in favor.

Honorary Resolutionfor

Chittenango Garden Clubby the

Village of Chittenango Board

WHEREAS, the Chittenango Garden Club has been instrumental in the creation and beautification of the parks and public spaces of our community over the past 80 years, particularly Stickles Park, Dr. West Park, the Welcome Garden between New York State Route 5 and Edwin Street, Sullivan Library, Chittenango Landing Canal Boat Museum, American Legion and the poppy garden;

WHEREAS, the work of the Chittenango Garden Club began when 28 women first met on November 22, 1938 at the home of Mrs. Eloise Rice, and with the diligent leadership of Mrs. Hattie Phelps, organized a club dedicated to the study of horticulture and related subjects, as well as the pursuit of projects contributing to the beautification of the Village of Chittenango’s parks and streets;

WHEREAS, the current 39 members of the Chittenango Garden Club gather monthly for educational programs and social networking, as well as field trips. Members raise money to fund community gardening projects with their annual Plant Sale in May and the Holiday Bazaar in November;

WHEREAS, the Village Board recognizes that past and present members of the Chittenango Garden Club have been instrumental in making the Village of Chittenango a better place to live and work;

BE IT RESOLVED, that We, the Mayor and Trustees of the Village of Chittenango Board, gathered today on this 28th of August, 2018, do hereby honor the Chittenango Garden Club and wish to congratulate and thank them on the club’s 80th Anniversary;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the Chittenango Garden Club at their 80thAnniversary celebration on the 18th of September, 2018.

Mayor’s Dinner Meeting – September 2018

The next Mayor’s Dinner meeting is scheduled for September 19, 2018. Upon the motion made by Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, the Board pre-approves payment for the September dinner meeting for any Board member wishing to attend. All members present voting in favor.

9/11 Patriot Day Program

Mrs. Doss updated the Board on the plans for the 9/11 Program. The Board instructed her to order 4 full sheet cakes for the event. Trustee Baldwin is working on contacting the Band that will be playing at the Artisan Market that evening to coordinate activities. Mrs. Doss and Trustee Baldwin will meet September 5 at 10 a.m. to finalize details. Trustee Baldwin will be putting together a flyer for the vendors at the Artisan Market for that evening’s activities.

Chittenango DG, LLC – Tuscarora Road

Trustee Bough Martin reported she had spoken with owner of Chittenango DG, LLC recently in regard to the offer made for the property for the trail connection. He appeared to be willing to discuss/negotiate the price. She also reported that she will be contacting Forrest Seguin in regard to delineating the exact boundaries of the property that are being requested for making the trail connection. The property owner wants to have his own appraisal done. The Board talked about having another appraisal done as well.

Williamson Law Book – Accounting Software Agreement

The Board authorized the Mayor to sign the Williamson Law Book Accounting software agreement for maintenance/support for 9/1/18-8/31/19 in the amount of $1038.

Playground – Kirschenheiter

Trustee Bough Martin spoke about setting up a ribbon cutting program on Friday, September 28 from 4-5 p.m. (the day before the County Monday Mile celebration) and in coordination with Bike to Your Public Park Day. The thought was to invite neighborhood kids and their families. The Board agreed to set up a small celebration; the Mayor and Trustees agreed to work with Trustee Bough Martin to put something together for the playground installation celebration.

Madison County Website

Trustee Baldwin reported that she would like to contact the County and arrange a meeting with them to discuss the Madison County website and how the Village can participate. She would like Mrs. Thayer and Mr. Gregory to be involved with the process. Trustee Baldwin will set up a meeting in October.

Sexual Harassment Training Policy

Mayor Pulver advised that a new Sexual Harassment Policy needs to be adopted by October 9 due to some new State regulations; which also include annually an interactive training. He advised that the Village needs to also have training for all Village employees, including Board members for Violence in the Workplace and Discrimination. There is training (online) available through PERMA. He spoke of having a training facilitator.

In regard to the sexual harassment policy, each Board member has a draft copy. He asked that the Board review the draft and make any comments or changes and let him know. Counsel Andino stated he would double check to make sure that the Board has the most recent draft version to work from.

National Grid owned lighting facilities

Mayor Pulver stated he continues to work on the lighting facilities. He has spoken with Wendell Engineers and has also reached out to two other engineering firms who are versed in this information. He suggested that the Village might seek their own proposals in regard to disconnects and the changeover of lights, installation of lights, decorative pole lights and other issues related to a possible change and at the end have an engineer verify the work that has been done. He discussed creating a scope of work. He recommended that the Village consider using the Oneida Indian Nation money to fund the project and then use the savings that are generated to do future upgrades.

Capital Resolutions

Mayor Pulver stated he is attending NYSOSC training. He is looking into creating a long-term capital plan for the Village.

Code Enforcement Car

Mr. Gregory reported that based on discussions earlier this evening, he is confident that the price for the new vehicle for Codes is accurate at $16, 934.80. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the Board authorizes payment to Capellino Chevrolet in the amount of $16,934.80 when the car is delivered. All members present voting in favor.

Signage – Empire Trail

Trustee Bough Martin spoke of the signage that is planned for the Empire Trail which for Chittenango is planned to be installed directly across from the bridge on the Village side of the Canal.

Lanzafame Project

The plan is for the work to begin on the Lanzafame project this week.


General Fund #3 vouchers 125-201 $219,707.74 Upon the motion made by Trustee Kopp, seconded by Trustee Horning, General Fund abstract #3 approved for payment as outlined above. All members present voting in favor.

Sewer Fund #3 voucher 27-49 $41,009.22 Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, Sewer Fund abstract #3 approved for payment as outlined above. All members present voting in favor.

Executive Session

Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss negotiations with Chittenango DG LLC, the tower lease, and other legal maters relating to contracts. No action is expected after the Executive Session. All members present voting in favor.

Upon the motion made by Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, the Board members reconvened from the Executive Session at 9:50 p.m. with no action taking place. All members present voting in favor.

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill A. Doss

Village Clerk-Treasurer