December 20, 2018

December 20, 2018

Present: Mayor Pulver, Trustee Horning, Trustee Bough Martin, Trustee Kopp, Trustee Baldwin, Counsel Bell, Mr. Gregory, Mrs. Kendall, Mr. Gloska, Atty. McHale, Ms. Perotti, Keith Spurgeon, Mrs. Doss

Mayor Pulver called the Board meeting to order at 7 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Board members reviewed the minutes of November 27, 2018. Upon the motion made by Trustee Kopp, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, minutes of November 27, 2018 approved as written. All members present voting in favor.

Proposed Local Law A-2018


(“A Local Law Amending the Zoning Map of the Village of Chittenango

to Include Certain Property Zoned Special Residential (SR)

in the Low-Density Residential (LR) District in the Village of Chittenango”)

Trustee Baldwin introduced proposed Local Law No. A-2018, titled “A Local Law Amending the Zoning Map of the Village of Chittenango to Include Certain Property Zoned Special Residential (SR) in the Low-Density Residential (LR) District in the Village of Chittenango” for certain lands located at 112 Salt Springs Road in said Village, which was seconded by Trustee Kopp, to wit:

WHEREAS, no other agency has the legal authority or jurisdiction to approve or directly undertake the enactment of a local law in the Village of Chittenango; and

WHEREAS, a Short Environmental Assessment Form (“EAF”) in support of this local law has been prepared and has been reviewed by the Village Board of Trustees; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees has considered the adoption of said Local Law, has considered the criteria contained in 6 N.Y.C.R.R. Part 617.7 and has compared the impacts which may be reasonably expected to result from the adoption of said Local Law against said criteria.


RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that there are no other involved agencies, that the Village Board of Trustees shall proceed as lead agency and the enactment of proposed Local Law No. A-2018 is an unlisted action, for purposes of SEQRA review; and it is further

RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, the Village Board of Trustees upon review of the EAF and project has determined that this action, which will permit an existing home occupation to occur, while protecting the sensitive land features, will have no adverse impact on the environment; that accordingly, an environmental impact statement (EIS) shall not be required and that this resolution shall constitute a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA; and it is further

RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that this proposed local law and zone change will be referred to the Madison County Planning Board pursuant to New York General Municipal Law §239; and it is further

RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the Village Board of Trustees shall conduct a public hearing as to the enactment of proposed Local Law A-2018 at the Village of Chittenango Village Hall, 222 Genesee Street, Chittenango, New York on January 22, 2019, at 7:01 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, at which time all persons interested on the subject shall be heard.

The question of the foregoing Resolution was duly put to a vote and, upon roll call, the vote was as follows:

Elizabeth Bough-Martin




Wayne Horning




Melinda Kopp




Colleen Baldwin




Mark Pulver




The foregoing Resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Attorney McHale and Stephanie Perotti asked that the minutes reflect they were here at the meeting and they are in support of the resolution set forth above.


Codes – The Board reviewed the Codes report. The Department has had a very busy month.

Court – The Board reviewed the Court report. All was in order.

Administrator -The crew has been working on the new pedestrian bridge; setting forms for the abutments and also looking into the installation of the bollards at the bridge ends to block snowmobiles from going across the bridge. The crew has finished picking up leaves with the vacuum truck. They will begin pickup of leaves in containers or brown paper bags when they begin picking up discarded Christmas trees. A capital plan for the DPW is being worked on and will be helpful in going forward in working with the aging vehicles in the Department. This budget year, the repair budget currently has been 75% spent as of this month. There are two trucks in particular that are in for repairs routinely; with the capital plan in place, vehicles could be replaced more frequently to help reduce the high repair costs. There is also a multi-year plan being completed for the DPW as well. Counsel Bell spoke to the Board in regard to a plan the County has in place with Enterprise Fleet that any municipality can piggy back off of in the County. The Board spoke briefly about the increase in maintenance costs. Mr. Gregory said they are also talking with a representative from an Auction house in regard to making determinations on salvage values as another aspect of the equipment inventory. A concern has been raised due to issues at the WWTP in regard to the disposal of sanitary and cleaning wipes. They cause a great deal of problems with jamming/clogging the processing equipment. A great number of the wipes state they are flushable, but they do not break down. Trustee Baldwin suggested that the Village obtain a list from Mr. Cunningham in regard to the wipe issue and what other facilities might do to prevent this issue from occurring. Mr. Gregory reported that the Department has five tires that are in good shape but don’t work well in snow. He’d like to try to sell these truck tires. He requested that the Board determine these to be excess equipment giving the Village the ability to sell the tires. Upon the motion made Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the Board determines the five used truck tires to be excess equipment and that the Administrator take steps to sell these tires. All members present voting in favor. Mr. Gregory reported that the DPW had ordered a shed for the DPW. The shed is currently being built and will be set in place shortly at the DPW. The cost for this shed is $9140. He would like to get authorization to process a payment for this shed and release the payment once the shed is in place at the DPW. The tower lease is currently on hold as the attorney for the tower company has not addressed any of the questions or concerns raised by the Village Attorney. A reminder that Tuesday trash/recycle pickup will be done on Monday for both Christmas and New Year’s Day. Messages will be placed on the sign board, web site, and Facebook sites.

Mayor’s Dinner Meeting

Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Hornng, the Board authorizes payment of dinner/meeting in January for the Mayor’s Association if any Board member wishes to attend. All members present voting in favor.

Fraud Prevention Training

The Board discussed this training at the Trustee workshop held recently.

Bank Collateralization and Investment Policy

These are currently being worked on. Copies of the bank collateralization and investment policy were found but will need some updating.

Sexual Harassment Prevention training is available on line through PERMA but seems very technical so the Mayor is looking into other training that might be available; he has contacted Brown and Brown about their training program.

Violence in the Workplace

The Mayor reported that there is someone in the Police Department trained to teach Violence in the Workplace; Joe Peters. Trustee Horning said he would talk to the Chief about this.

Code of Ethics

The Board discussed the Code of Ethics that is currently in place. It is contained in the Village Code Book. Creation of an Ethics Board is discussed in the legislation. Counsel Bell reviewed the language in the legislation and the process that is outlined. The group for the Ethics Board is appointed by the Board and consists of three people, no terms are outlined. One individual from the Village Board is a member of the Ethics Board. The Board discussed various individuals that might be good candidates to serve. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Kopp, the three individuals who will serve on the Ethics Board are Trustee Baldwin, Robert Freunscht, and Dennis Doerr. All members present voting in favor.


The Board spoke about the various policies and procedures and agreed that they will meet again in January to work on them. The Board agreed that they would meet for another workshop on January 16, 2019 at 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. to discuss the various policies and procedures. The Mayor commented that by that time there should be a report from Bonodio on the recent audit done for the Village.

Signers for bank accounts

The Board will address the signers for the bank accounts at the January meeting.

½ Day -Christmas Eve

The Board discussed allowing employees to have ½ day off for Christmas Eve. The Board also discussed ½ day off for New Years’ Eve day. Upon the motion made by Trustee Kopp, seconded by Trustee Bough Martin, the Board authorizes ½ day off for both Christmas Eve and New Years’ Eve days for Village employees. All members present voting in favor.

The Mayor advised that Kip Hicks will be at the January Village Board meeting.


The Mayor advised that the CLCBM is currently in the process of applying for a State grant for re-doing the old cannery area. CLCBM is seeking letters of support from various agencies as part of this process. The Mayor advised that he signed a letter of support for this grant application process.

Web site update

Mr. Gregory advised that a group met with the Google representative last week where he explained what they (Google) has to offer. The meeting went well. The thought is to meet with the representative again to discuss questions that have come up since holding the meeting. The meeting needs to include the IT person Paul from Integra Consulting in this next meeting. The group also wants to touch base with Microsoft to see what they can offer; but the Board stated we don’t need to buy Office 365 as there are several copies with licenses available if that is the chosen route. The Board also spoke of document search features. Trustee Horning wants to take a look at the features for Microsoft.

Capital Resolutions

Nothing to report this evening.

Chittenango DG, LLC

Trustee Bough Martin reported that she had met with Chittenango DG representative and he has authorized the survey to be done by Forrest Seguin, Forrest has begun working on the survey and should have it ready, along with a property description within the next couple of weeks. Chittenango DG staff will do an appraisal on the parcel that is outlined by Forrest, they will have to use the State Standard for appraisal.


The Mayor, Trustee Horning and the Police Chief have been working with the School District in regard to an employment agreement for School Resource Officer and also for an IMA between the School and the Village.

Valley Acres Diversion Project

Counsel Bell advised that there is a new property owner at the property on Dyke Road that the Board has discussed building a flood diversion project. Counsel advised that she has sent letters to the new owner at the Dyke Road address and another address that she found on the County Real Property website. She has not heard anything back from the new owner yet. Counsel Bell stated she will keep the Board advised.

National Grid lighting facilities

This information will be discussed in Executive Session.


This is part of the investment policy.

Abstract # 7 – General Fund

405-457 $77,242.37 Upon the motion made by Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, vouchers approved for payment from the General Fund as outlined. All members present voting in favor.

Abstract #7 -Sewer Fund

100-109 $21,674.18 Upon the motion made by Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, vouchers approved for payment from the Sewer Fund as outlined. Trustee Horning, Kopp and Baldwin voting in favor. Trustee Bough Martin abstaining. Motion carried.

Budget Modifications

The Mayor presented the following budget modifications for the General Fund

A1210.42 Publications/Software increase $150

A1210.46 Supplies decrease $150

A1910.4 Unallocated Ins increase $3,000

A1990.4 Contingent decrease $3,000

A3120.11 Police Pers Serv OT increase $7,500

A3120.1 Police Pers Serv decrease $7,500

Upon the motion made by Trustee Kopp, seconded by Trustee Horning, budget modifications as outlined above for the General Fund approved. All members present voting in favor.

The Mayor presented the following modification for the General Fund

A7110.2 Charge to Parks Capital $83,406. Change from A1987.4 Bailey Bridge $76,316 11/28/18

Change from A1987.4 Auburn Rigging $7,090 11/28/18

Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the Board authorizes the modification of accounts charged for the above noted accounts. All members present voting in favor.

After the change to the Parks Capital A7110.2, the Board authorizes the transfer of funds from the Contingent Account to Parks Capital in the amount of $83,406 upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin. All members present voting in favor.

Executive Session

Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss proposals presented for the acquisition of street lights and conversion of lights to LED. Possible action to be taken at conclusion of Executive Session. All members present voting in favor.

Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, the Board concluded the Executive Session at 9:22 p.m. with no action being taken during the Executive Session. All members present voting in favor.

The Board talked about the National Grid proposal in regard to acquisition of street lights and conversion of LED lighting. Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Kopp, the Board authorized Mayor Pulver to send a letter to National Grid accepting their proposal for street lighting. All members present voting in favor.

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Kopp. All members present voting in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill A. Doss

Village Clerk-Treasurer