March 27, 2018

March 27, 2018

Present: Mayor Horning, Trustee Wehner, Trustee Bough Martin, Trustee Kopp, Trustee Baldwin, Counsel Bell, Mr. Pulver, Mr. Cunningham, Chief Corey, Officer Dailey, Mrs. Kendall, Mr. Gloska, Mrs. Doss

Mayor Horning called the Board meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The Board members reviewed the minutes of February 27, 2018. Upon the motion made by Trustee Wehner, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, minutes of February 27, 2018 approved as written. All members present voting in favor.


Police – The Board reviewed the February and a partial report for March 2018. Chief Corey said there was one case from January that is currently waiting on the DA. The Department has been busy.

Codes – The Board reviewed the permits issued and the inspections that had taken place through the Codes Office. They noted the one car complaint on the report.

WWTP- Mr. Cunningham noted that the Plant processed double the amount from the previous month, 4 loads of biosolids were taken to the County landfill. There was an issue with one of the tanks and Eggan was called into empty the tank to make the correction, the arm was way out of torque, a great deal of erosion was discovered, and several of the bolts in the apparatus were loose. The Board discussed the accelerated corrosion. It was noted this could have been caused by the landfill materials that the Plant has been processing. Mr. Cunningham talked about various measures that could be taken to slow and correct this problem, including scraping the tank, painting and applying a special coating. He stated he felt the issue is fixable and correctible.

Trustee Baldwin inquired if work has begun in identifying the commercial sewer users. Mr. Pulver stated he and Mrs. Thayer have been working on compiling information for this using the OCWA usage records. Some of the data might not be usable as it identifies properties in the Village and Town. Mr. Pulver reported that the rate structures will be worked on by both himself and Mr. Cunningham. The Board talked about the establishment of a base rate for sewer charges. Mr. Cunningham stated he could present different rate structures used in other communities that might prove useful in our data collection. The Board discussed the sewer rates and how rates in the Village are low.

Court – The Court records were reviewed and all items were in order. Mrs. Getman does a great job.

DPW Mr. Pulver spoke about the planned purchase of a plow truck for the DPW. Two presentations of vehicles were given to the Board to review, which would be the Department’s two top choices for a new vehicle. One of the newer trucks in the DPW fleet has been having many mechanical issues. There is a Hard Hat Expo at the State Fairgrounds next Wednesday, a couple of DPW staff and Board members are planning to attend. There will be displays of large vehicles and other equipment on display. Mr. Pulver continued his report and advised that for the month of April, due to the recent snow storms that brought down a great amount of trees, limbs, branches, the DPW will pick up the yard waste generated this week. They will suspend the normal brush rules for the month of April 2018 only for size, weight and content. The brush, trees, limbs must be at the road and must not be longer than 5 feet in length. It was suggested that this message be put on the signboard, the website and also on social media.

Administrator –Mr. Pulver reported that there have been staff meetings each Monday at 9 a.m. and he has found them to be very helpful in communicating information between the Departments and Board. He spoke about changing the jobs in the Clerk’s Office by adding a ½ time person to pick up some of the clerical work that will need to be done once his job title changes next week. He spoke about one of the issues brought up at the staff meeting was court room security. There was money put in the court budget for an officer for coverage of the court on court days. The rate of pay was discussed as the person would only be working 2-3 hours per week. The person would be acting as security not police and not with any law enforcement capabilities. Would need to be proficient with a firearm and would not carry a Taser. Discussion was held on possible grants that are available for security. A meeting will be set up with the Judge, Chief of Police and Administrator to discuss this further as the staff coverage needs to be coordinated through the Court. In the meantime, the Chief will assign someone to cover the Court during court sessions.

Mr. Pulver continued his report. He said he’s received a request from CAP to borrow the stage. The Board discussed the request and agreed that the request would be denied. The stage requires a lot a careful care to set up, take down, and transport. He also received a request from a group looking into the possible purchase and conversion of the Lake Street School that has been up for sale. There is a tentative meeting date of April 26 to discuss the possible uses for the building. Mr. Pulver will meet with representatives to discuss. The Village Code was recently updated to include language to include senior housing in the zone the School building is located in.

Mr. Pulver is working with the Town, with a possible meeting scheduled for next week, to discuss the possibility of the Village purchasing under the Town’s paving bid. The Village is looking into possibly paving Lake Street, the Village parking lot and Tom Tom Street in the new budget year.

A discussion has been had recently in regard to placing an LED sign somewhere on the east end of the Village (Tuscarora Road area) to alert residents of events and notifications. The thought has been suggested that we put our existing LED sign there and purchase a new sign for the existing location by the Bank. This is all discussion at this time. The idea of smaller pixels and a higher sign have been suggested.

Collection of sewer installation fees from the Town of Manlius was discussed. Mr. Pulver has contacted the Town of Manlius Code Office to see if they could assist with coming up with a way to collect the fees at the time of building permits being applied for at the Town of Manlius to insure that all housing permits have paid the $1250 fees outlined in the Intermunicipal Agreement. He has asked the Town not to issue permits until the fees are paid to the Village. He has also asked about collection of older fees that were never paid. Attorney Frateschi from the Town has agreed to work on this matter.

New Business

Linda Kendall – FOIL

Mrs. Kendall felt she had been blind- sided at the last meeting and not given an opportunity to respond to the remarks made at that meeting by Trustee Kopp. She stated she requested a meeting packet and only received minutes and agenda. She feels it was a miscommunication of information. At the last meeting, Counsel stated the best way would be to review the documents for the meeting at the office before the meeting and decide which documents she would like to have copies of and pay for only those copies. She also asked about sending records via email. The municipality may or may not choose to email copies. It is up to the municipality if that is a method to undertake. Counsel Bell said the request for records is not open ended and has to be done for records that exist, not possible future records. Mrs. Kendall thanked the Board for their time. She also handed out information in regard to a program by Robert Freeman to be held on April 12 at 7 p.m. in Canastota, if anyone was interested in attending.

Election Results

There were a total of 97 voters. Mayor received 84 votes. Trustee Horning received 84 votes. Trustee Baldwin received 85 votes. Judge Button received 91 votes. There were blank votes and write in votes as well for each office. Mark Pulver, Wayne Horning, Colleen Baldwin and John Button were all officially declared elected to office by the Madison County Board of Elections.


One additional desk phone was requested for the Codes office. This phone has been ordered.

Mayor’s Dinner Meeting

The Board discussed the April 2018 Onondaga County Mayor’s Association Dinner meeting. If any Board member wishes to attend, the Board authorizes payment for the cost of the dinner meeting. Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, the Board authorizes pre-payment of dinner meeting for Mayor’s Association for April 2018 for any Board member wishing to attend. All members present voting in favor.

Budget Workshop

The Mayor reminded the Board members that there is a budget workshop scheduled for Thursday, March 29 at 2 p.m.

Button Agreement

The Clerk reported that she is still waiting to hear back from the Button family on the extension of the agreement for the Button historical items.

Bordell/Kinsella lease agreement

The Clerk advised that the attorney for Bordell/Kinsella has responded back to the Village and his clients are willing to extend the lease. The Board agreed to extend the lease for five (5) more years. The Clerk was advised to contact Attorney Benson about the five year extension.

Seneca Meadows Agreement

Mr. Pulver reported that he had sent out a proposed agreement extension to Seneca Meadows.

National Grid – Tariff

Nothing additional to report on the tariff at this time.

Madison County Website

Trustee Baldwin reported that she is planning to contact the County to set up a meeting with them for the Village tying into the County’s website structure. There is an initial cost of approximately $5,900 and there would be IT help and staff available to work with the setup and development of the site. BOCES was suggested as another alternate facilitator for developing websites. Trustee Bough Martin will get the contact information for BOCES and give it to Trustee Baldwin for further review.


General Abstract #10 vouchers 635 to 707 $62,932.92.

Bear Paw Printing $60. Upon the motion made by Trustee Horning, seconded by Trustee Kopp, General Abstract #10 approved for payment in addition to the Bear Paw Printing voucher for $60. All members present voting in favor.

Sewer Abstract#10 vouchers 165-185 $52,753.82

Upon the motion made by Trustee Wehner, seconded by Trustee Baldwin, Sewer abstract #10 as outline above approved for payment. All members present voting in favor.

Next meeting

Next regular meeting – April 24, 2018

Annual Organizational meeting – April 2, 2018 at 7 p.m.

General and Sewer Fund Budget public hearing immediately following the Organizational meeting.

Executive Session

Upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Wehner, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss collective bargaining contract and litigation update. Action may or may not be taken at the conclusion of the Executive Session. All members present voting in favor.

The Board members reconvened from Executive Session at 9:37 p.m. upon the motion made by Trustee Bough Martin, seconded by Trustee Wehner. No action took place during the Executive Session. All members present voting in favor.

Police Union Contract

Upon the motion made by Trustee Baldwin, seconded by Trustee Horning, the terms for the PBA collective bargaining agreement as negotiated by Mayor Keville and as agreed to by the PBA bargaining unit are hereby ratified and affirmed. All members present voting in favor.

Trustee Horning thanked everyone for their assistance and help during his tenure as Mayor. It has been quite an adventure! The Board also thanked Trustee Wehner for stepping in and serving as Trustee for the last two months. Your help was appreciated!

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill A. Doss

Village Clerk-Treasurer