January 15, 2018 - ZB

January 15, 2018

Present: Dan Welker, John Ceresoli, Paul Adams, Jason Tardio, Jeff Geer, Counsel Bell, Jill Doss, Darlene Browell, Douglas Banke, resident

Absent: Gene Dayton, Brian O’Connor

Chairman Welker called the public hearing to order at 7 p.m. for variance request Darlene Browell.

Mrs. Browell explained that she installed an attached sign (20 x 72) on the side of her restaurant at 302 Genesee Street in an effort to inform her customers that they needed to park their vehicles out back of the restaurant in the parking lot she owns. She said the owners of Byrne Dairy have complained about her customers parking in their lot. She also said she lost three parking spaces on Genesee Street when the State banned parking in front of the restaurant because of the crosswalk. Mrs. Browell states she only owns a small portion of land adjacent to her restaurant and the driveway is owned by Byrne Dairy. They (Byrne) have no issue with her customers using the driveway; they do have the issue with parking. Madison County Planning Board has reviewed the information and left the decision to local determination noting that this is a directional sign. What is allowed in the Code is too small to be valuable for giving direction. The Chairman asked if anyone had any other questions or comments for or against the request for variance. No one had any further comments. The public hearing was closed at 7:12 p.m.

Chairman Welker opened the regular meeting at 7:12 p.m.


The Board members reviewed the minutes of December 18 2017. Upon the motion made by John Ceresoli, seconded by Jason Tardio, minutes of December 18, 2017 approved as written. All members present voting in favor.

New Business

Browell – area variance request 302 Genesee Street

The Board members discussed the information presented at the hearing this evening. With the loss of available on street parking, because of NYSDOT posting the area for no parking directly in front of the restaurant, posting directional signage would help patrons of the restaurant know about additional parking that is available. Upon the motion made by Dan Welker that the third sign which exceeds the size allowed in the Code (20” x 72”) be approved based on applicant providing information in regard to financial hardship due to the loss of the front parking spaces which was not created by the applicant, there is no other way to direct patrons to park in another location, the relief being requested is the minimal amount necessary, the signage is not detrimental and will not have a detrimental impact on the neighborhood. The motion also includes the affirmation of the motion for SEQR at the December 18, 2017 meeting. Motion seconded by John Ceresoli. Roll call:

John Ceresoli yes

Dan Welker yes

Paul Adams yes

Jason Tardio yes

Motion carried.

The Board thanked Mrs. Browell and her staff for her quick reaction to helping a gentleman who fell in the road in front of the restaurant by giving aid until the ambulance responded to the scene. Mrs. Browell said the gentleman did break his nose, but was doing ok.

Banke – 333 S Webber Drive – variance request

The Board reviewed an application for variance that was received from Douglas and LeAnne Banke of 333 S Webber Drive with Mr. Banke. Mr. Banke stated that the previous shed (8 x12) had been installed by the previous owner about 30 years ago. He said it was in bad shape and so he replaced it with an Amish built shed 10 x 12. It still has the same setback as the old shed, but is too close to the side yard lot line. The Board asked Mr. Banke to provide a survey or map of his property showing the location of the shed. The shed has a stone and block foundation, and he repeated that he kept the sideline the same as it was with the old shed (even with the edge of his driveway). The Board reviewed the SEQR form that was presented with the application. The Board determined this to be a Type II action for purposes of SEQR with the Zoning Board of Appeals the lead agency. The Board set a hearing date of February 12, 2018 at 7 p.m. for the public hearing.

Next meeting

The Board discussed the date for the February meeting. President’s Day would be the next regular date but the Village Offices are closed that day. The Board determined the February meeting will be February 12, 2018 at 7 p.m. The Secretary will advise the Trail Committee as that is normally their night to meet.

Training Opportunity

The Secretary advised that Onondaga County is holding their 30th annual Planning Symposium as a training opportunity for Zoning and Planning Board members. It will be held on March 1 at the Syracuse Marriott. The Secretary sent links to each Board member. If anyone is interested in attending contact the Secretary.

Thank you to Debra Thayer for covering the December 18, 2017 Board meeting due to my illness. Your help was very much appreciated! J

With no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jill A. Doss

Secretary to ZBA